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Datum Body Hra/Typ Komentář

Nejlepší dosažené skóre ve hrách

Hra Skóre Dosaženo dne
Freegame Fall 25 08.02.15 v 12:48
Freegame States 2771 08.02.15 v 12:22
Freejumper 6858 08.02.15 v 12:01
Meteor Attack 80 08.02.15 v 11:45
Free Flappy Bir... 17 08.02.15 v 11:43

Oblíbené hry

Naposledy komentováno

Toto ma náramne baví na mobile :333

Prachy = good eq.

Príliš preceňovaná hra. Menu a možnosti v hre sú klasické ako v každej fife - nič nové. Na starších Androidoch nehrateľné.

Popravde, mňa to nudilo...

2 maps? Honestly.

+ Coop mode, great graphic, free to play - money can buy you everything here, sometimes missions are too hard for players without some special equip - special i mean bought for real money

I was playing Closed Beta, but stopped these Christmas, cause I get really bored. Every battle for me was same. Only few were something like enjoyable (?) maybe.

I though it is something like Warhammer and I was right. But Warhammer without good storyline and bad PvP system.

Yep, time limit is really pain in ass. Economy is the key to this game.

M&M + Online?! Awesome!

I was playing this game for 2 years and so i can say this - if you played Last Chaos and you like it, you will also like this one. Only one thing I hate in games like this = money can make you really powerful in pvp. I spent hours of getting my pvp equip good enough to kill and survive 1v1 battles, but I knew a rich kid which was 3 days in-game and got better equip than me. (I was playing for almost year that time)

Typical Webrowser game. Nothing special. Yeah, 18+ content sometimes.

Money in this game means almost everything. Noob players can be like pro in 5 minutes.

Well, it's not MMO RPG. It's Moba.

This is one of the most boring MMO RPGs ever.

This game is awesome!

One good tip: farm gold on 1st act - 1st battle. And then buy Heroes Gold Pack.

Doesn't work. T_T

MMO RPG + Runescape = seems legendary! ♥

9/10 for me! Like games with a lot of levels and achievements!


Placka Srpen

Placka Září

Placka Říjen

Placka Listopad

Placka Prosinec

Placka Leden

Placka Únor

Placka Březen

Placka Duben

Placka Květen

Placka Červen

Placka Červenec

Leden 2014

Zlatá liga:
1. místo

Pohár s vlastním jménem
Tričko Freegame
Počítačová hra

Prosinec 2013

Zlatá liga:
2. místo

Pohár s vlastním jménem
Tričko Freegame
Počítačová hra